Campbell Ewald, an agency steeped in a legacy of exceptional advertising since 1911, gained renown for crafting authentic work for real people. Despite this, the brand did not fully encapsulate this essence. The new brand embraced a contemporary visual language, employing colours and graphics that resonate with the current cultural landscape, and human photography that reflects the Radically Human approach the agency puts on everything.
The brand colours were translated into layered graphics and gradients, infusing a vibrant and youthful essence while upholding credibility and professionalism. These elements prominently showcased the diverse and rich culture of the agency, fortifying its boldness and authenticity.
We incorporated natural, handmade illustrations into the brand system, capturing the spontaneous essence of social channels and mirroring contemporary human interactions. Distinctive icons were meticulously crafted to represent expertise areas, subjects, activities, and industries, resulting in a versatile and dynamic visual language.
We developed a motion design language to embody the welcoming essence of the new brand. Employing fluid and contemporary animations, we brought icons and interstitials to life, catering to various channels with versatility and vibrancy.
We meticulously crafted a collection of animated icons tailored for the agency's key subjects. Each icon was animated individually, infusing a lively and engaging personality into the brand. These animations were exported in various formats, optimized for seamless integration across social, digital, and traditional channels.