Freedom Mobile

Throughout the website redesign, the challenge lay in constructing a coherent and uncomplicated Design System capable of delivering a seamless and captivating customer journey, spanning from browsing to making purchases. The adoption of a bold and straightforward visual language vividly breathed life into the brand, establishing a robust responsive design system that ensured consistency while enhancing user engagement.

The entire interface was meticulously crafted to maintain simplicity and functionality while retaining the essence of the brand's personality. Our approach involved designing a modern, sleek interface that accentuated key elements such as Plans and Devices, positioning them as hero features. Recognizing the significance of competitive pricing, we developed a range of UI elements to establish a clear hierarchy, preventing information overload for users seeking offers, thus enabling easy navigation and decision-making.


Although the brand is known for its competitive offers, it sought to resonate with an urban, youthful audience without compromising its upscale appeal. Drawing inspiration from its stores, we embraced a clean and sophisticated design ethos, utilizing a striking contrast of black and white tones. This approach was complemented by clean and easily readable typography, enhancing the brand's allure to the target demographic.

Each component of the Design System was thoughtfully curated to provide both flexibility and uniformity, aligning with the Atomic Design principles. We meticulously emphasized every detail, from nomenclature to accessibility, ensuring that each element resonated with the brand's personality while maintaining the requisite agility for a Telco company. Starting from the ground up, we crafted grids, colors, buttons, photography styles, typefaces, and a plethora of functional modules to establish a comprehensive and cohesive design framework.


Undoubtedly, a primary focus was an efficient and user-friendly mobile interface that facilitated a majority of customer activities. Embracing a Mobile-First approach, we streamlined the interface by eliminating unnecessary information, establishing a clear hierarchy, and optimizing interactions for small screens. This strategy ensured a comfortable and seamless experience for users engaging with the platform via mobile devices.

The photography approach was curated to infuse the content with a vibrant, youthful perspective, mirroring the audience—immigrants and young adults primarily residing in urban locales. Connectivity is integral to their daily routines, and the visuals were aimed at evoking a sense of unrestricted connectivity, aligning with their desire not to feel constrained by data plans. Additionally, the color palette was deliberately chosen to consistently resonate with the brand's personality, meticulously incorporated into every detail to reinforce its identity.
